Order Timer

Clover Market


  1. Open the Order Timer App.
  2. Click on the “Settings” button at the top right corner.
  3. *** You can Skip Steps 4 and 5 if you wish to have just one timer/duration for all dates and times ***
  4. Click on the first box (next to “Monday” and right below “From”) with “12:00:00AM” and set the start time for your “Timer 1” and click save.  Click in the box right next to it and set the end time for “Timer 1” and click save.  Repeat this step for all other days of the week.
  5. Click on the red box below “All Other Times” to set a default for any order taken outside of Timer 1 and Timer 2.
  6. If you skipped steps 4 and 5, you can set a timer for any and all days and hours of the week at the bottom of the screen by checking the box next to “Or apply one timer for all days and times.”

Here is how the app will calculate how much time the order has to take:

The App will look at the time the order was created and check Timer 1 to see if it falls within the time period.  If it does, then the minutes set will be used to calculate how long the order should take.  If it doesn’t, the App will look at Timer 2.  If the order was created during the set times for Timer 2, the App will use that duration as the timer.  If the order was created outside of Timer 1 and Timer 2 rules, the app will look at the amount of time set under “All other times” and use that duration for the order timer.


How can I set the timer to be different for our busy times?
This Application is designed to allow you to change the amount of time your Kitchen staff has based on both, day of week and time of day.  You might, for example, give your kitchen staff 20 minutes to complete an order during lunch hours, but give them 40 minutes during busy dinner hours.

  1. Click on the Settings button at the top right of the app
  2. For the day and start time, select the start time for lunch and end time for lunch.
  3. Add the minutes/hours that you allow your kitchen to finish the orders.
  4. Go to timer 2 to add a new set of both, time period and duration.


Monday, Timer 1 is set from 11:00AM to 2:00PM at 20 minutes and Monday, Timer 2 is set from 4:00PM to 7:00PM at 40 minutes.  The “All other times” is set to 30 minutes.  What this means is that on a Monday, if an order is added to your Clover at 11:30AM, the kitchen will have 20 minutes to complete that order, but if an order comes in at 4:45PM, they kitchen will have 40 minutes.

What happens when the timer is done?
This application is designed to keep your staff informed on how much time is left before an order should be ready.  When you open the application, you will see a countdown clock next to every order to see how much time is left before it is due.  The application does not do anything other that keep you and your staff informed.
Other Questions or Comments
If you have any other questions or comments, please contact us at [email protected]