
Clover Market


The Zoomifi Commissions app is designed to simplify the way you track commissions.  You can set a global commission for all employees or by individual employee.  You can also set global % commission or go through the intentory to assign a specific % or $ value for each item and each employee.

  1. Open the Commissions Web App.
  2. Click on the blue “Inventory” button.
  3. Either set a Globa % commission for all employees or select an employee from the “Select Employee” dropdown.
  4. Go through the inventory items and change a commission from a % to a $ value.  (In order to set a $ value, you will need to make sure that the % field for the item is set to 0)
  5. Click on the blue “Dashboard” button at the top of the screen.
  6. Select a date range for your search, then click “Get Orders”
  7. Then select an employee to display the commission report
  8. Choose other filters (optional):
    1. You can either click on the filter box to see a dropdown of all options or you can start typing out the name of an option and the filter will show you matches.
    2. Once you see the option or options that you would like, click on each one (you can have more than one option per filter
    3. Move on to the next filter(s) and repeat steps “a” or “b”
    4. Once you have the filters the way you want them, click on “Save this filer” and give it a name.  Once you enter the name, click on “Add”
  9. You can run saved filters with the following steps:
    1. Select a date range using the “Date Range” filter
    2. On the top right of the screen in the box that say “Choose a filter”, click on the box and choose the previously saved filter that you would like to apply.

If you have any other questions or comments please contact us at [email protected]
Or watch the video to see it in action: