Bottle Keeper

Clover Market


  • What does the Bottle Keeper app do?

    Bottle Keeper will save you hours and hours every month. You can now know exactly how much liquid stock you have in your inventory. You can even input cocktail recipes and track the component liquor bottles stock! You will be able to easily track your stock as every sale will be reflected, helping you to order more efficiently, address wastage, eliminate manual input errors and save hours of boring admin work!

  • How do I install it?

    Head to the app market on your Clover device and find the Bottle Keeper app and install it.

  • I’ve installed the app, what next?

    Great! Now all you have to do is add mappings for your stocking and selling products and Bottle Keeper will keep track of them for you.

    1) Set Clover Auto Decrement setting to OFF (Go to Inventory App -> Settings) and uncheck the second option “Have Clover auto-decrement stock count”

    2) Open the Bottle Keeper app from your Clover Home Screen

    3) Press ADD MAPPING

    4) Complete the details and the total volume of the stocking item

    5) Below this add the details for the selling items. You can add more than one selling item, for example, you can map the stocking item bottle of wine to selling items large glass of wine and small glass of wine at the same time.


  • I’m getting a message telling me to turn off auto decrement. What’s this and how do I do it?

    Auto decrement allows clover to subtract sold items from inventory, since we are doing this for you it needs to be switched off or your stock counts will be wrong. Open the inventory app and press SETUP, check the TRACK STOCK option but uncheck the HAVE CLOVER AUTO-DECREMENT STOCK COUNT option.


  • What is a mapping and what is the correct way to add one?

    A mapping is the relationship between 2 products – an item that you stock and an item that you sell. The mapping indicates the volume of the stock item and the volume of the selling item. Bottle Keeper uses that information to know how much stock to remove from the stocking products when you’re selling your products. To add a mapping simply launch the app from your Clover home screen, click Add Mapping. On the Add Mapping screen select the category of the stocking item from the first dropdown. Then, select the stocking item from the second dropdown and fill that item’s volume (ex. 750) and select it’s measurement unit (ex. Milliliter). After that select the category of the selling item from the first dropdown on the second row, choose the selling item from the second dropdown, fill it’s volume (ex. 250) and it’s measurement unit (ex. Milliliter). If you want to add another selling item for this stocking item, click on Add Another – this will show you a new row which you can fill with the second selling item for this stocking item. When you’re happy with the setup click Save and you should be able to see your new mappings on the app’s main screen.


  • I have new stock in, where do I update it?

    Please update your new stock quantities in your Clover Inventory app, either from the web or the Clover device.


  • Which units do you support?

    Today we support liters, milliliters, fluid ounces, cups, quarts, pints and gallons. It is also possible to map a crate or box of bottles to single bottles using the bottles unit. If there are other units that you think we should support please email [email protected]


  • I need support, can I contact you?

    Certainly, please send an email to [email protected]